Dr. Elsayed Hassanein
Associate Professor of Special Education, College of Education at Qatar University

Dr. Elsayed Elshabrawi Ahmed Hassanein is an associate professor of Special Education, College of Education at Qatar University. Dr. Hassanein received his PhD from Exeter University, UK in 2010. He has an extensive teaching experience and has taught a variety of under-graduate and graduate courses including Introduction to Behavioral Sciences, Mental Health and Social Psychology, Psychotherapy, Literacy Assessment and Remediation, Methods of Teaching Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Research Methods, Methods and materials in Special Education, Applied Behavior Analysis, Characteristics of Learners with Mild/Moderate disabilities, Curriculum & Methods in Early Childhood, Transition Planning, and Assessment in Special Education.
Additionally, he supervised a number of MA and PhD theses in the area of Special Education and Mental Health. His research interests cover a wide range of areas such as learning disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities, inclusive education, teachers’ professional development, personality and mental health. He published many research articles in national and international journals and conferences. He is also the author of “Inclusion disability and Culture” a book published in 2015 by Sense publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Recently, he has been granted two research grants from QRNF, UREP21-019-5-001 and UREP22-160-5-043.