Rim Karime
Founder and President at C.T. Plan

Rim is a communication, media and culture graduate from University of Paris 13, Villetaneuse in France, class of 2014. She chose this major mainly because of her passion for research and the role of media in shaping young minds and perspectives of the world. In 2011, Rim took part of an international media-training program entitled “Women’s Media in the EuroMed” organized by the European Commission.
Rim discovered her passion for education in 2012 when she started working as a private tutor for children in difficulty at schools in Lebanon. During this same year, she started working for MathSpace, a private Lebanese startup designing education technology for primary and secondary education. She is also passionate about women’s rights and empowerment through education and financial literacy.
After moving to France, Rim continued to work as a teacher during her free time.