Prof. Guy Claxton
Emeritus Professor of the Learning Sciences, University of Winchester; Visiting Professor of Education, King’s College London
United Kingdom

Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist best known for his work on unconscious cognition and creativity. He is the author and co-author of many books including Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: Why Intelligence Increases When You Think Less, Wise Up: The Challenge of Lifelong Learning, New Kinds of Smart and The Learning Powered School. The British comedian John Cleese described Hare Brain as “THE essential guide to creativity”. Guy Claxton’s bestseller What’s the Point of School? was highly praised by Harvard Professor Howard Gardner and creativity guru Sir Ken Robinson.
In addition, Guy Claxton has pioneered practical methods of education that maximize school achievement whilst also developing the capacity and confidence for lifelong learning. His practical Building Learning Power approach to creating learning cultures in schools has influenced youngsters’ lives throughout the UK as well as in, for example, Ireland, Poland, Dubai, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand. Guy has a “double first” in Natural Sciences from Cambridge and a doctorate in psycholinguistics from Oxford. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Royal Society of Arts, and an Academician of the Academy of the Social Sciences. He is Visiting Professor of the Learning Sciences at King’s College London.