Martina Dlabajová
Member, European Parliament
Czech Republic

Martina Dlabajová has been a member of the European Parliament since 2014. She is a Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control and active member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Her own initiative report on matching skills and jobs highlights the importance of better cooperation between education and business as well as the motivation and responsibility of young jobseekers. Recently she was appointed rapporteur on the New Skills Agenda for Europe. She was the shadow rapporteur of the EP opinion on ‘promoting youth entrepreneurship through education and training.’
In the Czech Republic she launched a motivational project called WhyNot? offering young people under 25 years the opportunity to fulfil their professional dreams through exclusive traineeships. Before joining the European Parliament, she founded and managed several companies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy. She was the coordinator of the Representation of the Zlín and Olomouc Regions to the European Union for eight years. In 2012 she was elected the president of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Zlín Region. She graduated from the University of Padua, Italy in political science with a specialization in the European integration.