Sereverien Ngarukiye
Academics and Careers Manager, Kepler
Sereverien Ngarukiye started with Kepler, a university program in Rwanda, in 2013 as a student. He later joined the Kepler team as a Curriculum Associate, andis now an Academics and Careers Manager at the Kepler Kiziba campus that is in Kiziba refugee camp in Western Rwanda. Prior to his current role, Sereverien was also a Curriculum Associate where he collaborated on developing a self-paced, skill based curriculum, which integrates technology and in-person, data driven instruction.
Sereverien holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree, from Southern New Hampshire University through Kepler, in Healthcare Management with a concentration in Global Perspectives. Growing up in a low-income family himself, Sereverien is now passionate about humanitarian projects and serving in low-resource environments like Kiziba refugee camp. At Kepler Kiziba, he continues to explore how technology can support teaching and learning especially in refugee communities where there is a limited or no access to connectivity. In addition, Sereverien is also committed to developing a strategy to overcome obstacles to refugee employment and expand pathways to employment for refugee learners.