Dr. Claudia Costin
Director, Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education Policies from Getulio Vargas Foundation (CEIPE/FGV)

Claudia Costin is the Director of CEIPE- Center for Excellence and Innovation of Education Policies, a think tank within Getulio Vargas Foundation, a leading private University in Brazil where she is a professor. She was in the recent past a visiting professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Senior Director for Global Education in the World Bank. Before joining the World Bank, Claudia Costin was Secretary of Education of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Under her stewardship, learning results rose by 22 percent in the city. She also implemented a strong Early Childhood program, working seamlessly across sectors with the Health and Social Protection secretariats.
Claudia has been vice-president of the Victor Civita Foundation, dedicated to raising the quality of public education in Brazil. Believing in the transformational power of education, she helped create the civil society movement Todos pela Educação, also serving on its technical committee. Convinced that teacher motivation is critical for real learning, Claudia communicates with thousands of teachers using social media.
Her former positions include Secretary of Culture, Sao Paulo State and Federal Minister for Public Administration and State Reform. Claudia has held academic positions at the Catholic University of São Paulo, Getúlio Vargas Foundation, INSPER Institute of Education and Research, and École Nationale d’Administration Publique in Québec.